Additionally, for cats with fur: SUNFURA sphynx cat apparel is also appropriate for cats with hair, and we suggest selecting a bigger size. Prior to buying, please measure your pet's body dimensions to ensure their comfort.
Elastic Turtleneck Cat Sweater: SUNFURA Sphynx cat sweater features two sleeves. The collar, cuffs, and hem around the waist are all made of high-elasticity fabric. The stretch fabric and pullover style make it easy to put on and take off
Comfort Cats Anxiety: Prepare a warm sweater coat for hairless cats, which can relieve anxiety and prevent them from throwing up daily. This cat pajamas is easy to match for everyday wearing, sleeping, eating, going to costume parties, festival occasions
Convenient to Use Litter: A high opening at the abdomen of kitten pullover jumpsuit ensures convenience for your cat to do business without any hindrance. Loose Waist made running and jumping easier and more comfortable
Warm and Soft Fleece Fabric: Our hairless cat sweaters clothes are specially made for hairless Cats, and are made of warm and soft fleece material. Perfect for Sphynx Cat, Devon Rex Cat, Cornish Rex Cat, Peterbald Cat and Teacup Chihuahua